The start-up Nasdaq Futures exchange plans to launch 28 energy contracts at midyear as it diversifies beyond stock trading. 新设立的纳斯达克期货交易所计划在今年年中开始推出28种能源合约,目的是推动业务多元化,使其超出股票交易的范畴。
Metals can now be traded on the LME after London closes, on the Shanghai Futures Exchange during its night trading and on the Nymex after the close of the US day. 如今伦敦金属交易所在伦敦市场收市之后、上海期货交易所在夜间以及纽约商品交易所(Nymex)在美国日间交易结束后都可以从事金属期货交易。
Futures Exchange of Brent Oil and its Inspiration to Us 布伦特原油期货交易及对我国的启示
This distance can be divided into a systematic part, which can be managed by the futures exchange, and a random part, which is beyond its control. 这个距离,可分为一个系统的一部分,它可被管理由期货交易所,并以随机的一部分,这是无法控制的情况。
The Taiwan Futures Exchange, one of Asia's fastest-growing derivatives markets, is considering an initial public offering to increase its efficiency and boost growth opportunities. 台湾期货交易所(Taifex)正在考虑进行首次公开发行(IPO),以求提高运营效率,并为自己带来更多增长机遇。该交易所是亚洲增长最快的衍生品交易市场之一。
By Lawson futures exchange specified date of admission tickets. 可以通过罗森便利店预购指定日期的入场交换券。
Already, the copper futures contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange is used as a reference for global prices, allowing domestic traders to hedge their exposure without having to venture into unfamiliar overseas territories. 但这种信心或许放错了地方。上海期货交易所的铜期货合约已成为全球价格的一个参照,这使得中国交易员能够在国内对冲自己的头寸,而不必到陌生的海外市场冒险。
If a non-settlement member has any objection to the Commission returns and transaction results, it shall timely submit the objection to the general settlement member futures company and the futures exchange. 非结算会员对委托回报和成交结果有异议的,应当及时向全面结算会员期货公司和期货交易所提出。
It has no experience running a commodity futures exchange, no clearing house in Europe, and half of its board is appointed by the Hong Kong government. 该所没有管理大宗商品期货交易所的经验,在欧洲没有清算所,半数董事由香港政府任命。
Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange 东京国际金融期货交易所
Inventories of the metal at Shanghai Futures Exchange warehouses have fallen sharply, to their lowest since February 2008. 上海期货交易所(sfe)仓库中的铝库存已经大幅下降至2008年2月以来的最低水平。
Unlike coffee, tea does not trade in a futures exchange and the business is based on physical deals at auctions. 与咖啡不同,茶叶不在期货交易所交易,而是基于拍卖上的现货交易。
CME Group, the largest futures exchange, will allow international investors to use the Chinese currency as collateral for trading in all its futures products from January 2012. 运营全球最大期货交易所的芝加哥商品交易所集团(CMEGroup),从2012年1月起将允许国际投资者把人民币用作所有期货产品交易的抵押品。
A futures exchange shall use all of its assets to bear its civil liabilities. 期货交易所以其全部财产承担民事责任。
The membership of a futures exchange shall be made up of those members which are futures brokerage firms and those members which are not futures brokerage firms. 期货交易所会员由期货经纪公司会员和非期货经纪公司会员组成。
Indeed, on Tuesday last week, the third day of trading, the value of stock index futures traded on the China Financial Futures Exchange exceeded the value of stocks traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. 事实上,上周二,也就是交易启动后的第三天,中国金融期货交易所(cffe)的股指期货成交量已经超过了上海证交所(sse)的股票成交量。
Study on the Supervisory Mechanism of Futures Exchange over Stock Index Futures 股指期货的期货交易所监管机制研究
The launch of stock index futures is thought to mark the first in a series of derivative products to be rolled out for trading on Shanghai's Financial Futures Exchange. 股指期货的推出被认为标志着上海金融期货交易所首次推出金融衍生产品系列。
China's securities regulator on Tuesday approved Shanghai-based China Financial Futures Exchange ( CFFEX) to undertake stock index futures trade. 中国证券业监管部门于上周二批准位于上海的中国金融期货交易所推出股指期货交易。
Shanghai: copper futures woke up from their holiday slumber yesterday and jumped up to record highs at the Shanghai Futures exchange. 上海:铜的期货交易从昨日的假日休眠中醒了过来,在上海期货交易所上的价格飚升至创纪录的高度。
China established a financial futures exchange over two years ago, but it has yet to launch its first product. 中国在两年前就建立了一家金融期货交易所,但该交易所至今仍未推出第一款产品。
The establishment of Chicago futures exchange marked the birth of futures market with modern meaning. 芝加哥交易所的创立,标志着真正现代意义上的期货交易市场的诞生。
So, this paper firstly describes an overview of cross-strait futures industry, Futures Exchange's systems; 为此本文首先介绍两岸期货业的概况、期货交易所的制度;
Trading rose and prices jumped$ 2 a barrel without apparent justification, said one senior oil trader at the Nymex commodity futures exchange. 没有明显的理由,交易量就上升了,每桶价格上涨了2美元,纽约商品交易所(Nymex)的一名资深石油交易员说。
I have gained some practical experience in brokerage in recent two years acting as a part-time broker with Hubei Commodities Futures Exchange. 两年来,我在湖北商品期货交易所当兼职经纪人,从而获得了一些经纪方面的实际经险。
The futures exchange also traded in four currency futures and 17 stock futures contracts. 香港期货交易所亦买卖四种货币期货及17种股票期货合约。
Conceptualisation of KLOFFE as an "Options and Futures Exchange". 吉隆坡期货和期权交易所的概念化?
A trust company participating in stock index futures trading shall abide by the relevant rules on futures exchange. 信托公司参与股指期货交易应当遵守期货交易所有关规则。
Australia's ASX, where 24 per cent of revenue comes from derivatives trading and clearing, combines the stock exchange and Sydney futures exchange. 澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)将把证交所与悉尼期货交易所(SFE)合并,现在其24%的收入来自于衍生品交易与结算。
The e-mails show that the company wanted to establish a futures exchange in China and sell trading software. 相关邮件显示,该公司希望在中国成立一家期货交易所,并出售交易软件。